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Every successful person has one thing in common.

They know how to tap the power of the network.

Think about it: do CEOs and Presidents get to the top by themselves? Do they just appear one day, at the top of the pile?

Of course not.

They network their way there. They leverage the efforts of hundreds of other people to help them reach their goals.

Now, most people think that building a good network takes lots of time and money. And most people toil away trying to network without seeing any results.

What most people don’t know, however, is that everyone already has a huge hidden network waiting to be tapped!

Hi! My name is John Bellamy. For over 15 years, I’ve been a professional networker and recruiter. In my time, I’ve been to every kind of networking and event there is. I’ve seen it all. I know what makes people tick when it comes to networking, and I know what they respond to.

Over the years, I’ve mastered the art of networking and built a network that puts money in my pocket every single day. When you master the art of networking, people and opportunities are drawn to you like metal to a super-powered magnet.

Things weren’t always so good for me, however. It was a long road that led me to where I am today.

Come back with me to 1989. In 1989, I was nine years old, and there was only one thing on my mind: I had a burning desire for a brand-spanking new, Fire-Engine Red, Repco Mountain Bike. To me, there was nothing cooler. To me, this bike was like a Harley, and I wanted to tear up the road on it more than anything. There was only one problem:

I didn’t have $182.

I didn’t even have $1!

My parents were no help. They said $182 was way too much for a bike, and that my two legs were free to use as much as I liked.

Thanks a lot, guys.

I decided to make the money on my own. I didn’t have a job, though. How was I going to pull almost $200 bucks out of thin air?


Now, did I put on a suit, and hand out little business cards drawn with Crayola Crayons at networking events? No (although that would have been cute). Instead, I realized that my sister’s friend had a job with the local milk delivery company, and I asked to help out.

I got the job, and a couple dozen shifts later, I rode out of the bike store on my Red Repco like I had just won the Tour de France.

That’s the power of the hidden network!

I can show you how to tap it, and help you get your Red Repco, even if your Red Repco is a five-bedroom house with a pool in the backyard!

[Buy Button: “I want to unlock the power of my hidden network!”]

Of course, I didn’t know what I had found (at the time) so my life continued on a normal path. I did ordinary jobs and had ordinary success. Just enough to get by, really.

One of my jobs was a sales rep for an advertising firm. Let me tell you, I was in sales hell. Every month, I needed to hit a sales target. If I didn’t hit the target, I would be fired.

No pressure!

Yeah, right. The pressure was excruciating, and in my desperation to reach my sales target, I did what no salesperson wants to do: cold calling.

They call it cold calling because the leads haven’t been “warmed up.” That is, they haven’t shown any interest in your product, so they’re “cold.” I think of cold calling as “cold” because each rejection feels a lot like someone throwing a nice cold drink in your face.

What fun.

After about three months of this abuse, I was about ready to quit and permanently move to a log cabin in the woods. Lack of success wears you down over time, and the enthusiasm you feel when you started the project eventually turns to despair.

Then I had an epiphany.

What if I had a way to instantly “warm up” a lead? What if, through networking, I could make it so that people were already connected to me? Then I wouldn’t have to start from zero all the time. I would always have at least a toe in the door.

I began hitting networking events and studying the literature like a madman. I experimented, refined my approach, and experimented some more. Before I knew it, I had orders coming in from clients wanting to spend $50K, $100K, even up to $250K on a single campaign. Every time I picked up the phone, there was money on the other end of the line.

Meanwhile, the other people in my office were chasing $3K transactions.

In about 18 months, I had quadrupled my salary and bonuses, and was shooting up the ladder.

Now, maybe you’re struggling and making the same mistakes most businesspeople do. Maybe your business is going nowhere. Maybe you can’t get any good leads. Maybe you’re wasting time and money on traditional ads and networking events, and getting no return on your investment.

I feel your pain. I’ve been there. But I developed a killer approach that works and I can show you how to turn it around!

Maybe you're an employee, stuck in a dead-end job. Maybe you’re making money the hard way, laboring one hour at a time. Maybe you’ve tried professional development courses, and gotten nothing out of them.

That stops now.

My program has been good to me and now it can be good to you. My clients see massive results, almost overnight!

[Insert Testimonials]

[Buy Button: “I want to be as successful as they are, or even more!”]

How does it happen so quickly? The networking opportunities are already there. They’re just hidden. I will show you how to make use of them and stop leaving money on the table.

How do you start? I’ll reveal my three keys here, for free, since you’ve been a patient listener. I strongly believe that my mission is to deliver value to my audience, and I want to make sure everyone is rewarded.

Okay, are you ready? Here are the three keys to starting a powerful, profitable network:

1. Personal Brand

2. Immediate Network

3. Social Engagement

First, you need to understand what your personal brand is, and what you want it to be. How do others think of you? More importantly, how do you want them to think of you? Imagine the most successful people, the most successful “personal brands,” like Richard Branson, Tiger Woods, and others. Are you perceived like them, or not? How can you become like them? Their personal brands pull people in automatically, at this point.

I will teach you to get there.

Next, you need to tap the network you already have, and expand it. Who is already in your network? You’d be surprised! Almost everyone I work with is blown away when they realize the opportunities that are already open to them. In general, huge networking opportunities wait right under people’s noses. The mistake most people make is to write off their current network as a dead end.

Don’t make that mistake!

The last key is social engagement. The average user on Facebook has 156 fans. From this starting place, with my strategies, all things are possible. Do you think the most successful networkers on Facebook started with 100,000 fans?

Of course not.

They had to build it. And they started with the exact same tools you have in your toolbox already!

You can do it, too!

What other skills can I teach you?

● How to find the networking niche that has the most potential for you

● How to identify and locate your networking targets

● How to make killer introductions

● How to communicate that you add value. No more selling!

● How to design and track networking goals, costs, and ROI

In short, I will teach you how to tap your hidden network and turn it into pure gold.

You will get contacts, leads, and opportunities more easily.

You will convert more often.

You will get a better price when you make sales.

You will boost your profit margins.

And you can do it all with no experience!

So, after all this, there must be a sales pitch coming, right? Ha! I know, you guys have heard pitches like this before - but what I’m offering has immense value and you won’t believe the price.

What exactly am I offering, here? The complete Network4Profit Program.

First, you get an invitation to 21 Network4Profit Online Workshops. In the workshops, you will practice the methods used by experts, CEOs, and Presidents, and hone your networking skills to a razor’s edge.

When you’ve mastered these techniques, networking will be effortless and profitable. People often pay upwards of $650 per session for personalized tutoring like this. But I’m not asking anywhere near that, and this isn’t all you get.

You also get my four-part video series in which I describe in detail how to tap your hidden network for profit. In the videos are killer strategies to find your networking targets, make them an offer they can’t refuse, and start converting opportunities at super-high rates you never thought were possible!

But still, that’s not all. The Network4Profit Program is packed with even more valuable material!

You also get 33 Tried-and-Tested Conversation Questions. You can learn these questions, and then pose them to prospective contacts in conversation. The questions are designed to position you as an expert and boost your credibility. Using the questions, you’ll also get contacts talking, learn what they need, and draw them in automatically.

You get access to my personal Treasure Trove of secret resources, with videos, presentations, list-building tools, follow-up strategies, and more! This is my personal arsenal of power networking materials. They worked wonders for me, and they can for you, too!

And last, but not least, you get a Networking Score Card that will enable you to stay on track to success at all times.

Now, what does it cost to learn my secrets and become a master networker? What does the total package, including Workshops, the Video Series, the Questions, the Score Card, and the Treasure Trove cost?

Considering that you can make millions of dollars by using my program, and considering that the retail value of the materials is thousands of dollars, $999 wouldn’t be too much to ask, would it?

Well I’m not selling the Network4Profit program for $999. I’m here to make it easy. I want to share my program with as many people as possible.

What if I chopped that price in half? $499?

The value here would still be through the roof, but it would still be hard to say yes.

Let me make it really easy.

Ordinarily, I sell the program for $74. Just $74! Less than the price of a ticket to a sporting event, and you don’t even learn anything there.

But I don’t want anyone to have to say, “No.”

So, if you hurry and grab the program before the timer runs out, you can become a master networker for an unbelievable $37!

[insert timer]

[Buy Button: “I don’t want to waste any more time - let me in!”]

For less than the cost of a single meal in a restaurant, something most people buy without a second thought, you could have an entire program which holds key to networking success.

But I said I don’t want anyone to have to say, “No,” right? That’s why I offer a 30-day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.

That’s right. If you try the program and don’t like it, then you can have your money back. It’s that simple.

You’ve got nothing to loose, and everything to gain.

[Buy Button: “I’m ready to start networking for profit!”]


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